Garden Herbs and How to grow - Anise

Those of us growing Anise Herb do so for the fresh and popular flavor of licorice. Anise is native to Southern Europe and the Mediterranean, where is grown as a cash crop. You can also find Anise growing wild in fields. It is related to caraway and dill.

The Anise herb plant has lacy leaves, and heads of white flowers that give way to seeds containing tasty oils. When in bloom, Anise provides a profusion of flowers. And that's good, because the flowers produce the seeds that produce the oils that tastes so good! It grows 18-24".

Anise are grown from seed. Directly sow seeds into your garden. Sow seeds early in the season, and cover lightly with soil. Space seedlings, or thin plants to 18" apart in rows 12 inches apart.

How to Grow
Anise is easy to grow. They prefer full sun and a well drained soil. They will do well in average soils, and tolerate dry soil conditions. Water them during dry periods, once or twice per week. Add a general purpose fertilizer once or twice a season.

Harvest flower heads after seeds have formed, and the flower head has died. Extract seeds and dry them in a cool, dry location.

Main Cooking Uses
The oils are extracted from the seeds.
Use leaves in salads, seeds in baking, cookies, pastries, cheese, and candies. Also used to flavor oils and liqueurs.
Leaves and flowers can also be used as a garnish.

Medicinal Applications
Anise is often used to treat stomachaches.

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