Oil Pulling

As my previous post is about “Coconut Oil”. “Oil Pulling” is the one keyword, have you ever heard it? And do you know how to do it? Today, I will talk about “Oil Pulling”, let’s go !!!

Oil pulling or oil swishing, in alternative medicine, is a traditional Indian folk remedy that involves swishing oil in the mouth for claimed oral and systemic health benefits. It is mentioned in the Ayurvedic text Charaka Samhita where it is called Kavala Gandoosha / Kavala Graha. It is also used to reduce enamel wear from stomach acid in hangovers and bulimics.

Dr. F. Karach, M.D., presented a paper before the All-Ukrainian Association. The meeting was attended by oncologists and bacteriologists belonging to the Academy of Science of the USSR. Dr. Karach explained an unusual simple healing process using cold-pressed oils.

The results of this therapy invoked astonishment and doubt concerning the contents of his report. However, after further examining the workings of the oil pulling therapy, one has but to then test it on oneself to prove its validity and effectiveness. It is most astonishing that such results can be achieved with this absolutely harmless biological healing method. This simple method makes it possible to effectively treat the most varied diseases, in some cases enabling one to avoid surgical intervention and the taking of medications that can have harmful side effects.

The exciting factor of this healing method is its simplicity. It consists of swishing cold-pressed oil in the mouth (Coconut oil or Sunflower or Seasme, Please note you don't need to go for organic oils only, A normal refined oil bought from any supermarket proven to be effective in many people). The healing process is accomplished by the human organism on its own. In this way it is possible to heal cells, tissue and all organs simultaneously, the body itself gets rid of toxic waste without disturbing the healthy microflora. Dr. Karach says human beings are living only half their life span. They could potentially live healthy to be 140 to 150 years old.

The Method
In the morning before breakfast on an empty stomach you take one tablespoon in the mouth but do not swallow it. Move Oil Slowly in the mouth as rinsing or swishing and Dr Karach puts it as ' sip, suck and pull through the teeth' for fifteen to twenty minutes. This process makes oil thoroughly mixed with saliva. Swishing activates the enzymes and the enzymes draw toxins out of the blood. The oil must not be swallowed, for it has become toxic. As the process continues, the oil gets thinner and white. If the oil is still yellow, it has not been pulled long enough. It is then spit from the mouth , the oral cavity must be thoroughly rinsed and mouth must be washed thoroughly. Just use normal tap water and good old fingers to clean.

Clean the sink properly, you can use some antibacterial soap to clean the sink. Because the spittle contains harmful bacteria and toxic bodily waste. If one were to see one drop of this liquid magnified 600 times under a microscope, one would see microbes in their first stage of development.

It is important to understand that during the oilpulling / oilswishing process one's metabolism is intensified. This leads to improved health. One of the most striking results of this process is the fastening of loose teeth, the elimination of bleeding gums and the visible whitening of the teeth.

The oil pulling /swishing is done best before breakfast. To accelerate the healing process, it can be repeated three times a day, but always before meals on an empty stomach.

Your Daily Oil Pulling Procedure (Step by Step)

1. The first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and before drinking any liquids (including water), pour exactly one tablespoon of coconut oil or sunflower or sesame oil (or whatever oil you have chosen) into your mouth.

2. Set a timer for exactly 20 minutes.

3. Swish the oil around in your mouth without swallowing it. Move it around in your mouth and through your teeth, as if it was mouthwash (don't tilt your head back to gargle though). You'll find that the oil will start to get watery as your saliva mixes with it. Keep swishing.If your jaw muscles get sore while swishing, you're putting too much into it. Relax your jaw muscles and use your tongue to help move the liquid around the inside of your mouth. When you do this correctly, you'll feel very comfortable. Pretty soon, it will become second nature.

4. As the end of the oil pulling session approaches, you may notice the oil/saliva mixture in your mouth has become thicker. This is quite normal, since it is pulling out toxins from your body.When 20 minutes is up, spit out the oil into the toilet. Don't be alarmed if it looks yellowish--this is also normal.

5. Rinse out your mouth a couple of times with warm water and spit into the toilet. Rinse and spit with a good mouthwash. I prefer to dilute with water (or use full strength), regular hydrogen peroxide and I rinse and spit with that. The hydrogen peroxide is very effective in rinsing out any toxins which may be left in the mouth.

6. Brush your teeth as usual with your toothpaste of choice. Baking soda is also a good option for brushing. Now you can drink liquids, eat and go throughout your day as usual. Enjoy a more healthier you with fresher breath, and clean, brighter and whiter teeth.

Tips & Warnings

- To get your mind away from how long you are swishing, do something else at the same time. For example, read, watch something on television, check your email, make breakfast, take a shower or a bath. Before you know it, the 20 minutes are up.

- If 20 minutes is challenging for you or if you notice you have a gag reflex, break up the time into 10 minute increments. Swish for 10 minutes, spit, get another tablespoon of oil and swish again for 10 minutes. If 10 minutes is too long, do 5 minutes at a time, four times.

- If your oil pulling experience with your chose oil does not agree with your body, simply switch to a different oil. Choose an oil you resonate with. I started out with sunflower and sesame, since those are the recommended ones, and discovered my body loves the sunflower oil best. Sometimes, I'll swish with coconut oil just to switch things up (plus it tastes good). I once oil pulled with castor oil, which worked very well but I didn't care for the taste.

- If you are oil pulling to cure specific disease in your body, use one of the tried and true oils first, the cold pressed or expeller pressed sunflower and sesame oil (not the toasted kind).

- Adding a drop or two of peppermint essential oil into your tablespoon of oil, helps the detoxifying process and will help improve your oil pulling experience if you dislike the taste of the oil you are using.

- Keep track of your experiences with oil pulling in a journal. Every person will have different experiences, depending on their health issues. There will be some common results, such as healthier gums and teeth.

- If you have many toxins in your body or if you already have disease, you may experience detox symptoms at the beginning, such as headaches, pimples, more mucus and congestion. Continuing with your oil pulling anyway and these symptoms will disappear.

Ref : http://www.oilpulling.com, http://www.ehow.com, and http://en.wikipedia.org