Papaya Salad

Papaya Salad is the most pupular recipe in Thailand or well known as "Som Tam". If I have a chance, my friends and I will make an appointment to have "Som Tam" together. We called "Som Tam Party"!!!. This dish contains shredded green papaya, chopped green beans, tomatoes, dried prawns, chillies, and seasonings. The papaya salad is best served with sticky rice, Ground Pork Salad and Grilled Chicken - we love all of them.

- 1 fresh green papaya
- 5 garlic cloves, coarsely chopped
- 5-6 Thai chilies
- 2 tomatoes, cut into wedges
- 1/2 cup green beans, cut into one inch lengths
- 2 teaspoons of fish sauce
- 1/4 cup lime juice or tamarind juice
- 2 tablespoons dried prawns

Cooking Instructions
- Peel the skin off of the papaya, then rinse with running water to remove the acid. The seeds are not used, remove it. Shred the papaya with a grater.
- Place garlic cloves, Thai chilies, green beans, and dried prawns in mortar and mash thoroughly with a pestle. (You can use a mixing bowl if you don't have mortar - but I think it's not OK when mixing.) Add the remaining ingredients and seasonings in the mortar and gently combine with the pestle and a spoon. Left them into a serving plate and garnish (as pleasure - I recommend slices of cucumber!!!).