Sesame Oil – Part II

Let’s know the second part of Sesame oil with me…

Alternative medicine

Vitamins and minerals
Sesame oil is a source of vitamin E. Vitamin E is an anti-oxidant and has been correlated with lowering cholesterol levels. As with most plant based condiments, sesame oil contains magnesium, copper, calcium, iron, zinc, and vitamin B6. Copper provides relief for rheumatoid arthritis. Magnesium supports vascular and respiratory health. Calcium helps prevent colon cancer, osteoporosis, migraine, and PMS. Zinc promotes bone health.

Besides being rich in Vitamin E, there is insufficient research on the medicinal properties of sesame oil. However, the following claims have been made.

Blood pressure
Sesame oil has a high percentage of polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-6 fatty acids)—but it is unique in that it keeps at room temperature. This is because it contains two naturally-occurring preservatives, sesamol and sesamin. (Normally, only oils predominately composed of the omega-9 monounsaturated oil, like olive oil, keep at room temperature.)

It has been suggested that due to the presence of high levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids in sesame oil, it may help to control blood pressure. It could be used in cooking in place of other edible oils and to help reduce high blood pressure and lower the amount of medication needed to control hypertension.

The effect of the oil on blood pressure may be due to polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and the compound sesamin, a lignan present in sesame oil. There is evidence suggesting that both compounds reduce blood pressure in hypertensive rats. Sesame lignans also inhibit the synthesis and absorption of cholesterol in these rats.

Oil pulling
Sesame oil is one of the few oils recommended for use in oil pulling. (Sunflower oil is the other oil recommended.)

Stress and tension
Various constituends present in the sesame oil have anti-oxidant and anti-depressant properties. Therefore proponents encourage its use to help fight senile changes and bring about a sense of well-being.

Adherents for its therapeutic use reports claims of feeling better than when not using it.

General claims
While not approved by the US Food and Drug Administration, sesame oil is reputed to have a number of therapeutic uses.

As with cure-all claims of other folk and therapeutic medicines, it is suggested that regular topical application and/or consumption of sesame oil should mitigate effects of anxiety, nerve and bone disorders, poor circulation, lowered immunity and bowel problems. It is suggested such use would also relieve lethargy, fatigue, and insomnia, while promoting strength and vitality, enhancing blood circulation. There are claims that its use has relaxing properties which eases pain and muscle spasm, such as sciatica, dysmenorrhoea, colic, backache, and joint pain.

Sesame oil when used in infant massage, it is claimed, helps to calm babies and lull them to sleep and improves growth of the brain and the nervous system. These are claims similar to other therapeutic medicines, that its having antioxidants explains beliefs that it slows the aging process and promotes longevity.

It is suggested that sesame oil, when consumed and/or topically applied, should relieve dryness both externally and internally. Sesame oil is sometimes recommended to alleviate the dryness associated with menopause. It is believed that its use "restores moisture to the skin, keeping it soft, flexible and young looking". It is suggested that it relieves "dryness of joints" and bowels, and eases symptoms of dryness such as irritating coughs, cracking joints, and hard stools. Since "dryness of joints" is not a medically classifiable condition, it would be difficult to medically comprehend or verify these claims of panacea.

Other uses include as a laxative, as a remedy for toothaches and gum disease and in the treatment of blurred vision, dizziness, and headaches.

It is suggested that sesame oil could be used in the treatment of dry nose, reduction of cholesterol levels (due to presence of lignans which are phytoestrogens), anti-bacterial effects, and even slowing down certain types of cancer (due to the anti-oxidant properties of the lignans).

Adverse effects
Sesame oil is not known to be harmful when taken in recommended dosages, though the long-term effects of taking sesame-derived remedies (in any amount) have not been investigated. Due to lack of sufficient medical study, sesame oil should be used with caution in children, women who are pregnant or breast-feeding, and people with liver or kidney disease.

Because of its laxative effects, sesame oil should not be used by people who have diarrhea.

No more than 10% of a person's total caloric intake should be derived from polyunsaturated fats such as those found in sesame oil, according to the American Heart Association.

Oil massage should be avoided immediately after administering enemas, emetics or purgatives, during the first stages of fever or if suffering from indigestion.
There appears to be cross-reactivity between sesame allergens and peanut, rye, kiwi, poppy seed, and various treenuts (such as hazelnut, black walnut, cashew, macadamia and pistachio). Allergy to peanuts is one of the most common allergies, and in rare cases, can lead to anaphylactic shock which can be fatal. Although the prevalence of sesame allergy in US is low relative to peanut allergy, the severity of sesame allergy should not be underestimated. Pure oil is not usually allergenic, (as it does not typically contain the proteinaceous part of the plant), but avoiding may be safer, as oil purity cannot be guaranteed. Persons allergic to sesame seeds should be cautious about using sesame oil.

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Sesame Oil – Part I

Last post I’ve talked about oil pulling. Not only coconut oil can be used for oil pulling, the other oils can be used to. Today I will talk about sesame oil, it’s one of the famous healthy oils. Let’s know it with me…

Sesame oil (also known as gingelly oil or til oil) is an edible vegetable oil derived from sesame seeds. Besides being used as a cooking oil in South India, it is often used as a flavor enhancer in Chinese, Korean, and to a lesser extent Southeast Asian cuisine.

The oil from the nutrient rich seed is popular in alternative medicine - from traditional massages and treatments to modern day fads. Ancient Indian medical system perceives, sesame oil to pacify stress related symptoms and on-going research indicates, that the rich presence of anti-oxidants and poly-unsaturated fats in sesame oil could help in controlling blood pressure.

The oil is popular in pockets of Asia and is also one of the earliest known crop-based oil, but world-wide mass modern production continues to be limited even today due to the inefficient manual harvesting process required to extract the oil.

There are many variations in the colour of sesame oil: cold-pressed sesame oil is pale yellow, while Indian sesame oil (gingelly or til oil) is golden, and Chinese and Korean sesame oils are commonly a dark brown colour. This dark colour and flavour are derived from roasted/toasted sesame seeds. Cold pressed sesame oil has a different flavour than the toasted oil, since it is produced directly from raw, rather than toasted seeds.
Sesame oil is traded in any of the forms described above: Cold-pressed sesame oil is available in Western health shops. Unroasted (but not necessarily cold pressed) sesame oil is commonly used for cooking in the Middle East and can often be found in halal markets. In East Asian countries, different kinds of hot-pressed sesame oil are preferred.

Despite sesame oil's high proportion (41%) of polyunsaturated (Omega-6) fatty acids, it is least prone, among cooking oils with high smoke points, to turn rancid when kept in the open. This is due to the natural antioxidants present in the oil.

Light sesame oil has a high smoke point and is suitable for deep-frying, while heavy (dark) sesame oil (from roasted sesame seeds) has a slightly lower smoke point and is unsuitable for deep-frying. Instead it can be used for the stir-frying of meats or vegetables, or for the making of an omelette. Most in Asia use Roasted Sesame Oil for seasoning, particularly in East Asian cuisine.

The Chinese use sesame oil in the preparation of meals for women during postpartum confinement.

Sesame oil is most popular in Asia, especially in Korea, China, and the South Indian states of Karnataka, coastal Andhra Pradesh, and Tamil Nadu, where its widespread use is similar to that of olive oil in the Mediterranean.

Body massage
Sesame oil is reputed to penetrate the skin easily, and is used in India for oil massage. In Maharashtra, Sesame oil (Teel Tel) is specially used for massaging the foot.

Hair treatment
Applying sesame oil to the hair is said to result in darker hair. It may be used for hair and scalp massage. It is believed to reduce the heat of the body and thus helps in preventing hair loss.

Food manufacture
Sesame oil is used in the manufacture of pickles. Refined sesame oil is used to make margarine in Western countries.

Drug manufacture
Sesame oil is used in the manufacture of Ayurvedic drugs.

Sesame or Til oil is used in brass or silver lamps kept in front of gods and goddess of Hindus. Sesame oil is used for performing puja in Hindu temples.

Industrial uses
In industry, sesame oil may be used as
• a solvent in injected drugs or intravenous drip solutions,
• a cosmetics carrier oil,
• coating stored grains to prevent weevil attacks. The oil also has synergy with some insecticides. Low grade oil is used locally in soaps, paints, lubricants, and illuminants.

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